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We have collected data and statistics on Among Us. That said, it has cemented its place as a key casual multiplayer game for people of all ages. Bid for PR contracts to get the upper-hand on your rivals. While it still drew in more players than it did in 2019, it was not reaching the same levels of interest it managed in 2020. Rise Of Industry Free Download (v2.a) Download Here System Requirements Experience tailored for every player Specialise in just trading, production, gathering or any combination and research your way to bigger and better things.

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InnerSloth announced a sequel in August 2020, but seeing the rapid influx of new users, it chose to cancel the sequel and work on importing some features and fixing issues in the original.Ģ021 was a bit of a cooling off period for Among Us. In September 2020, Among Us had 60 million daily active players, the vast majority playing on iOS and Android. In September, YouTubers watched over four billion hours of Among Us videos. This tension between the two sides, especially on streaming platforms in which viewers can see which side the streamer is on, made it a viral hit as soon as it reached YouTube and Twitch streamers in the United States.

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